Jocelyn Villegas Jocelyn Villegas

sprouts snacks

Over the past 5 years, I have switched out many ingredients, snacks, brands, and pantry items for healthier options. Now, I know it is nearly impossible to avoid microplastics and processed dyes/chemicals fully, but I continue to swap items out as time goes on. I had eliminated cereal from my diet until I found alternatives with zero dyes and excess sugars. I don’t eat cereal every day but these are the options I buy when I do crave it.

I swore off soda for years in the process of cutting daily sugar that adds up. But now and then, I love getting the Italian soda from Sprouts. What I love about Sprouts is that they have a variety of brands, their shelf line, and the option to buy things like almonds in bulk from their dry goods area for better pricing. Their granola extends into that area if you want more bang for your buck and don’t feel like spending $5.99 for 10 oz of blueberry granola. There are other snacks I didn’t include like the Sprouts graham crackers that my kids love, saltine crackers, (you can make some quick Bruschetta for an easy snack) and there are lots of great refrigerated/frozen items that I will make another blog for because they deserve their own space. My toddlers love Chomps and there are different flavors to choose from. If you don’t have Sprouts nearby you can find Chomps at Target, Costco, and Whole Foods. I love Chomps myself, so it doesn’t last when we buy it. My kids aren’t huge fans of cheese puffs they prefer the expensive organic snacks. I know—what have I done?! I am proud but sometimes I wish I was more lax about these things. My main concern is making sure they never lack adequate nutrition for their growing brains and little bodies. They have never had juice besides once when Maci got sick and would not drink fluids. I offered her Honest juice so she could have something in her system and avoid the hospital. Other than that—they love water. You’d be surprised what a good quality, favorite character, thermos stainless steel bottle can do. I refill the kid’s 12 oz bottle at least 3 times a day. They are avid water drinkers. I did not add salted almonds here but they LOVE a good trail mix. Of course, I am psycho and avoid trail mix because they include M&M’s and although I love them, I can’t get myself to let my kids eat them with their current formula of toxic artificial dyes. My babes love a good yogurt and granola as a snack. We use Greek yogurt, Stonyfield, and GoGo brands. I try to limit this as granola tends to cause a sugar crash. Yes— you heard that right. Granola isn’t 100% natural. It has additives and depending on the brand it can have excess sugar. I avoid Granola snack bars like the plague. I do sometimes make an exception for Annie’s but even now that I know they were bought out I feel their brand is stepping further away from organic standards. Your best bet is to make your granola at home or limit intake. What is more important is the time of day it is consumed. I don’t consider granola/parfaits or oatmeal a breakfast food. It is best during lunch while kids are running wild and burn off that energy and are still hungry for more fuel. Maci loves granola and it pains me to have to monitor it but she does well with scrambled eggs in the mornings. Kids do better with protein, fruits and veggies. I offer at least 2 different types of fruit per day + one veggie side dish.

I am so glad I have found better alternatives for ketchup, ranch, and mustard. Even the Sprouts BBQ is tasty and less sugary!

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JoJoDay JoJoDay



I have so many favorites from Trader Joe’s and I just narrowed them down to a short top 10. I had some more items I wanted to add but I wanted to have a range that consisted of yummy easy foodie favorites. This list has everything from beverages, to sweets, to packed meals, salads, and instant gratification with ramen. 

Which are your favorites? Did I miss anything that is a must?

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